Letting Go (Part 2)

While letting go will enable us to deal with our daily lives in an easier way I started to wonder what Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj meant when he said that people just do not care to give up everything.

To me freedom means letting go because as long as I am attached to a certain belief or object there is no freedom. I cannot move freely, I am afraid to lose.

I’m afraid to lose a loved one, an object, my influence, my social status, my family, my source of income, my friends and/or my life.

Every move or decision I make will be tainted by my attachment and the resulting fear. This is not freedom. This is slavery. I am a slave to my attachments.

What does it mean to let go of everything? It means to let go of all we believe to be. It means to let go of our past, our future, the color of our skin, our sex, our culture, our profession, our body, any objects, our families, all beliefs and ideas and dreams.

And as he said the finite is the price for the infinite. Giving up these attachments will allow us to live life to the fullest. It will allow us to be who we truly are, to move freely and to do what we must do.

And the moment we give it all up we start to smile because we realize that there was never anything to give up because all we believed to be was imagined.

At that same moment we recognize who we truly are, always have been and always will be.




"Letting Go (Part 2)" Williamsburg/Brooklyn/My Keyboard 10-07-08 at 11:43 PM

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Independently Rich


Letting Go (Part 1)