Last week I cleaned my camera equipment. Part of that was to format all the memory cards for my digital camera to get them ready for the next shoot. While I was doing that I came along one card that only contained two images, both of them of Felpudo.

Some of you who have been following this blog for a while might remember the time when I went to Pennsylvania to visit my roommate Nieves. Nieves and her boyfriend Jim live in an old Inn that close to Harrisburg with three black cats, one of them is Felpudo.

Felpudo is one of the prettiest and sweetest cats I have ever met. He wants to be patted all the time and he was all over me during my visit. He is also a huge fan of baskets. Whenever he would find one he would lie in it purring away for hours.

I looked at the two images for a second but was not too fond of them and erased them without copying them over to the computer. I shoot better ones the next time I thought.

Last week Felpudo went missing. Thee days later Jim found out that a neighbor had found him dead on the side of the street, hit by a car and had buried him. Jim exhumed him and reburied him at their little cat cemetery close to the house.

I was so sad that he had died and at the same time very upset with myself. I had erased the last images I will ever be able to shoot of him. I spent five hours running a rescue program on all my memory cards but at the end was able to find and save one of the images I had shot and e-mailed it to Nieves and Jim.

His death gives the look in his eyes a completely new dimension.

This post is for you Felpudo. Rest in peace.




"Felpudo" Warington/Pennsylvania/Last image of Felpudo 09-20-08 at 01:02 PM 


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