City Wing Tsun 2
What I also really like about practicing kung fu is the camaraderie.Before I started Wing Tsun I had been practicing yoga for six or seven years. At the height of doing that I was going to an Ashtanga yoga place in downtown Manhattan. I would get up at 5 AM to make it to practice at around 6 AM five to six days per week.But it was never a group experience. One reason might be that in Ashtanga you go through a series of postures on your own, you don’t follow a teacher. It in a way always felt like “I’m in this alone”. I still loved it and it was a great exercise.In kung fu class it is different because it feels like we are in this together and everybody seems to have a sincere interest to help each other to get better. It feels like family, the kung fu family. We call each other either Si-Hing (elder kung fu brother), Si-Je (elder kung fu sister), Si-Dai (younger kung fu brother), Si-Mui (younger kung fu sister). Then there is Sifu (kung fu father), Si-Kung (kung fu grandfather) and also Si-Jo (founder of the kung fu style).The other great thing is that age does not matter. There are people in class in there 60’s and others in their early 20’s both doing the same exercises...."City Wing Tsun 2"Manhattan, New York, City Wing Tsun, Si-Jo Joel (l) and Si-Dai Justin (r) 06-09-09 08:37 PM
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