Is it essential to have a plan in life? Do we have to know what we want to get it? Do we have to stick to it no matter what? What when things change? What if we do not want what we set out to get any more? Should we make sure not to contradict ourselves or is contradiction part of life?

Having a plan means that the roadmap we try to follow was made up by the mind. The initial idea might have been inspired by our inner voice but the steps we came up with to get where we want to be must have been created by the mind since our inner voice can only give us answers about what to do in the moment and these answers can change in the instantaneously.

Our inner voice does not follow our mind, it follows the law of all things, and it follows the universal plan. That is why it is so scary to follow the heart. What is right today might be wrong tomorrow.

Our mind works completely different. It has a certain idea or belief and sticks to it. It follows through no matter what. What is right today will be right tomorrow and will be right in 10 years from now. Ideas and beliefs very often run our life unconsciously. We believe we make certain a decision based on free will but is this really true? Do we know that the attraction to a certain type of person is our preference or is it connected to our upbringing? Do we know that our ideas and beliefs about life are true and what happens when we stick to our mental plan without being open to change?

In that case we live an idea or belief of life but we are not living. We are out of sync with the river of life. Life changes constantly. I am a very different person then I was 10 years ago and I will be a different person in 10 years from today. Life is always evolving. How could an idea or belief I had a decade ago work in my life today. It doesn’t. This is why life is about contradicting ourselves. What is right today might change tomorrow even though I feel very strongly about it. Tomorrow I might have to say well, I think different about this now, I have changed.

The issue with following our mind is that we don’t follow the universal intelligence. Following the voice of the universe keeps us consistently in tune with the rest of the world. Following what our mind considers is the right thing to do will take us away from living a full life and leave us with what we imagine life to be.

The ideas and beliefs are connected to our programming. Not following our inner voice and sticking to our plan makes us robots doing what we were programmed to do without questioning it.





"The Plan" Manhattan/ New York City/ 42nd Street and 2nd Avenue 06-01-08 at 08:10 PM

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