Who Wants To Live Forever?

I don’t! Going to sleep, getting up, brushing teeth, taking showers, paying bills, cleaning the house, going to the gym and buying new cloths. All that is good for some time but who wants to do that forever? Doesn’t it get boring after a certain period of time?

Maybe if we don’t age, if our bodies don’t fall apart living forever would work but we still have to deal with the boredom that comes with it.

What makes life exciting to me is that we are here for a limited time only. Whatever we do, every moment we experience is special because we are not able to bring it back. That our time is limited also means that whatever we want to do we can’t push back forever. We have to go for it, we have to do it as soon as possible since we do not know when the time we have is over.

The best part of having to die is though that we don’t have to take life too serious because it is limited. Most of us will be forgotten in 100 years from now so why not have some fun and not take things too serious?

Stones always amazed me. Isn’t it mind boggling to look at something that has existed thousands of years before you were born and will exist thousands of years after we are all gone? In fact on the day of my death the stones on this images will only have changes so slightly that it will not be visible to the human eye.

Our lives are so short and time is running through our hands but there is also beauty in that. When this experience is over a great adventure awaits all of us, a huge change. We leave all we have known, our bodies minds and egos behind and move on to a new unknown place.

How exciting! Who wants to live forever in this case? Who wants to make the same human experiences over and over again? Who wants to be a stone, live for hundreds of thousands of years doing the same thing on a daily basis, lie around?




"Who Wants To Live Forever?" Lubec/Maine/Stones close to Quoddy Head 07-22-08 at 11:56 PM

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Maine (Part 2)


Peace And Beauty