Nothing is......
More then six months ago I asked in one of my posts the question "What Is Real?". I was contemplating the idea that the world is a projection of our minds.
I had an answer back then but it was a belief since I had not backed up my ideas with experience.
Nothing is real.
I can say this today since I experience it on a daily basis. Cleaning house, getting rid of as many ideas about myself as possible created a vast emptiness in myself. But this emptiness is also everything, the source of all things. The source of all things does move effortless because there is only the source of all things. The source of all things is always supported by itself. Nothing I have ever learned has been proven right. Even what I considered fundamental truths like you have to work hard to survive, life is a battle, you have to have a lot of money to have a beautiful apartment and that to be happy you have to be with somebody.
Everything I have ever learned about life only distorted my vision. The good news is that I have forgotten most of it. Today I don’t know anything. I feel like I never learned anything. Suddenly there is a lot of peace in my heart. My mind kept on spinning but the peace is so deep and thorough that slowly but gradually my mind does understand it lost control.
This is a slow process since my mind very powerful. It throws all kinds of obstacles in my way. Disbelief, it projects my life to go back to how it was before. Guilt, a feeling of having a life that is too good to be true. Judgment, that even though my life is beautiful I have to improve my lifestyle by making more money. Dissatisfaction, a feeling that I’m not pushing myself hard enough.
My mind is insane but I also have a sense of a self. The self is the mind and that means I’m partially insane. But the deeper the trust gets, the longer I live this life without drama, without struggle and fear where anything is possible the less I will listen to the part of myself that is mad and will stay mad forever.
The less I listen the deeper the emptiness in me gets. The deeper the emptiness, the less I will interfere with life. The less I interfere with life the more beauty and joy I will experience.
Nothing is real because what we experience is a distortion of reality created by an insane mind. By transcending the mind, by letting go of our ideas who we are and what the world is about we reunite with the source of all things.
From that moment on we have nothing to worry about.
"Nothing is......" Manhattan/New York City/ 38th Street and Park Avenue 07-27-08 at 05:28 PM
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