This month I will finally pick up this blog again. The goal is to be blogging at least 3x per week. I’ve been crazy busy shooting and there is a lot of stuff in the pipeline that I will be sharing soon. I got through my breakup funk after realizing that there was nothing to be upset about. We often imagine things to be much more severe then they really are.  At the end what do you really have after being together a few months? What did you built together? What have you given up for the other person?A book that I’ve been reading that helped me a lot is “Love, Freedom, Aloneness , The Koan Of Relationships” by OSHO. To him people are attracted to each other because of the unknown. We want to get to know the other person but at the same time project a story onto them. There is a strong sexual attraction and we “fall in love” with the idea we projected beforehand. That state stretches into the first few months  of the relationship. When daily life takes over people start to see who the other person really is. Our partners might be less strong, less beautiful, less mature then we thought they were.This is the moment when we realize that we never fell in love with a person but with an idea about a person. This is where most relationships end or real love begins. If there was love for the person seeing his or her weaknesses and faults will deepen it. Love is the glue that holds the relationship together. If there was no love this is the moment the relationship will end. Of course nobody is to blame. Can we blame the other person for not being what we wanted him or her to be? Can we blame anybody for not loving us? After all we don’t have any control over who we love.But there is also something really good about romantic love and the pain that we experience when a relationship that never was more then sexual attraction and an illusion about another person ends.That pain has been channelled over the centuries into countless pieces of art, songs and poems.If there is something I take out of my experience then it is that I’ve learned a lot and the images I shot about how I felt. I posted some of them on this blog a while ago. Some people liked them, others called them silly and knowing what I now know they are silly pictures because I was upset about losing something that never existed. But at the time at the moment of taking these images I felt as if I was stabbed by an ice pick by someone who had written me a love note before and yes it is a silly picture but at the same time a valid one. 


"Hearts (Part 3)/Williamsburg/Brooklyn/Pig Heart pierced by ice pick with love note 01-24-12 at 07:10 PM

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