Coko Rosker
By now I've asked quite a few people about the meaning of life and have received so many different and interesting answers, but I was wondering what answer I would get from somebody who is really young, from a child? The advantage of being very young is that we are still free of most of the programming that will eventually take over our lives and was initiated by our family and society. To find out what children think about the meaning of life I asked the most wonderful little girl I know, Coko Rosker, the daughter of my good friends Michael and Megan, with whom I'm staying with here in Gallup.I have known Coko for six years now. She definitely has a character on her own. She either likes you or she doesn't and if she doesn't you don't exist for her. I'm very lucky that she likes me. She even likes me so much that two years ago, when she was four, she told me that she would like to get married to me one day. She has grown out of that by now realizing that I would be too old for her by then telling me that I would be "an antique" and that I would have "no hair on top of my head, only on the back and that it would be white". Well, she has a point. :-) Anyway I was so happy when she agreed to give me an interview and I'm impressed by her deep insights. To her the meaning of life is having friends and to confirm that she even sings a song about friends called "My little first deer" on the recording.
"Coko Rosker" Gallup/New Mexico 03-10-13 at 11:26 PM
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