I am doing it! J When I first was confronted with the thought of having my own blog it made me dizzy. Another thing to do, another reason to spend even more time on the computer. But the more I thought about it the more I realized what great opportunity it is to tell the world more about myself. Photography is so much about who is shooting the image. Writing about my experiences will help to see the personality behind my work.Photography is a spiritual journey for me. The camera has helped me so much to find out more about this place that we call reality but very often do not understand. The blog will tell the world about my life as a photographer in New York City. I will post at least one image shot the day of the posting and try to make some sense out of the experiences we call life. My New Years resolution is it to commit to writing for one year. Do I think I have something meaningful to say? Absolutely! Does what I have to say make any sense? That is what you have to decide. But I am excited to start this one-year adventure with you, the world.

 Walking home after a long night out. Williamsburg/Brooklyn 4:30 AM

Please check out my website at carstenfleck.com


The second day of the year.