Meet Existcitement!
Since I started to do the portraits and interviews about the meaning of life I had the problem that the theme I was using for my Wordpress blog was a bit sluggish to say the least when it comes to using sound. It was not possible to see the photographs and listen to the interviews at the same time.Existcitement was created by combing the words existence and excitement and this is what it stands for, the excitement for existence. It is a Tumblr blog that will be dedicated to finding out more about where we are coming from, where we are going to and what life is about.And let's face it, all the pain and suffering we sometimes are going through in life aside, living on this planet that is spinning through space at up to 1,038 miles per hour, having our little adventures, not knowing where we are coming from or going to is quite exciting.To understand that life is limited and because of that is not meant to be taken serious is what can help us to drop all the mental drama and to enjoy this journey while it lasts.Writing this I'm on a train riding through rural Indiana. I look at the fields, houses and streets thinking about all these different lives, stories and ideas of people that live in these houses, work in the factories and stores or farm the fields that are flying by outside my car window. We are all in this experience called life together and instead of killing, controlling or having advantage over each other it is time to learn from each other, leaving all differences aside and making this world a better place.Maybe in all these different lives and experiences there is a common threat that will help all of us to understand why we are here and to make the right choices to find happiness and make the world a better place through our existence.So far I have posted seven images and interviews but my intention is to make this a life long project and post one new story per day. So far it is photographs and audio but I will start to incorporate video soon and hopefully collect hundreds of stories over time: EXISTCITEMENT.COM To get the word out I need your help. Every story has a share button. All you have to do is to click that button to share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.Let the journey begin. :-)
"Meet Existcitement" Screen shot of the "Exixtcitement" Tumblr blog
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